My Story

It’s all about stories. My photos are used to advertise and share these stories of individuals, businesses & brands.

Working with my clients, I strive to create images with a strong narrative that are beautifully lit to capture the subject’s character & spirit; whether that’s the creativity of an entrepreneur, the mischievousness of a pet, the tranquility of a secluded garden or the quality of built form.

My passion for photography began early: as a teenager I loved flicking through the pages of Vogue and and was enthralled by the striking imagery within. In my 20s, I worked as a make-up artist but found I was more interested in what the photographer was doing, and working alongside these talented creatives laid the foundations for my future career.

After some 15 years in the industry, I still love dreaming up stories, capturing ready-made stories and creating captivating images to share these stories with others. I also enjoy sharing the knowledge and skill-set I have built up over the years and offer tutorials and workshops for aspiring & working photographers.

When I am not busy with my cameras, I enjoy painting, and spending time with my friends and family and walking our dog, at home in Winchester, England.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.